February Coffee Date – How Can I Support You?
Posted on February 7 2019
This post is all about checking in, a virtual coffee date catch-up. I’ll share a little about what’s been going on in my life the last 3 months, a few (profound?) thoughts I’ve had lately, and most importantly, ask you a few burning questions to find out how I can support you.
This is my FIRST EVER “let’s have a chat” post! Grab your cup-a-joe, or delicious tea, or hot cocoa, or smoothie and let’s catch up!
Recently I was reminded of one of Gabby Bernstein’s mantras to live by:
“Everything is happening around me, I am fully supported.”
This hit home for me, because the past few months have been quite topsy-turvy.
In the space of 3 short months, my boyfriend, Michael, and I went to China (work trip, but also fun), moved in together, then it was Christmas. In January my parents moved back to Zimbabwe (where I’m from), and for complicated reasons I had to find a new home for my beloved spaniel, Louie (heart wrenching). Plus we’re in the process of selling the house we are currently living in.
Pictured: Me on Beijing St, Guangzhou, China!
Now, most of these are really good things, with a smattering of heart-sore events. And I really am happy. Still, sometimes so much disruption to the daily routine can cause you to feel you’re in limbo, trying to find your way, but just ending up doing a whole lot of floundering 🙂
I feel like I became a Professional Flounderer these last few months!
Trying to find a new daily routine, planning out the next few months of work for the blog and working on my new e-book series which will be for sale on the blog once it’s ready! So exciting!
I got caught up in some unhealthy thought patterns, my eating went a little off course and I just wasn’t feeling WELL. I picked up a flu virus, then food poisoning, and then an eye infection.
This always frustrates me because I just want to get on the right track, and stay there. Can you relate? But something always seems to come along and upset the apple cart.
Pictured: Mikey making friends on Beijing St, Guangzhou, China!
What I’ve realised though, is that IT’S OK. It really is OK. This is life. Sometimes we just flounder for a bit. But if we know we are fully supported while we flounder, then it doesn’t feel so bad. Whatever it is you believe in, know you’re not alone, you are fully supported.
The Universe Has Your Back by Gabby Bernstein is one of my favourite books, I highly recommend you read it!
Another quote that has had a profound effect on me was this one:
“Stop acting so small
You are the UNIVERSE in ecstatic motion”
Let that sink in. You are the Universe in ecstatic motion…stop resisting your unique beauty and your greatness. It’s a daily practice, but we’ll get there! One day at a time.
To get back on track I’ve been focusing on self-acceptance, self-love and self-care. Which looks different for everyone. For me, this means morning meditations, exercise that I LOVE like zumba, dance and yoga, having a solid plan for my work day, and allowing myself to have FUN.
When I come back to the truth of the matter, which is that I am, always was, and always will be ENOUGH, everything starts to make sense again, and life starts to flow as it should.
This one little truth is so powerful. Be more and more YOU. This is your purpose! You’re here to be you, and chase after the things that make you burst with enthusiasm and joy!
I know when I’m really feeling relaxed, content and happy because that’s when my cheeky side comes out. And lately I’ve been quite cheeky, sorry Mikey ;). So I know I’m heading in the right direction.
But, enough about me, let’s get to the most important part of this post, which is YOU. And more specifically, what I can do to support you.
What can I do that will make your life a little easier, brighter, lighter, happier, more fulfilling? What would you like to see more of on the blog?
This could be:
- More quick and easy, delicious and healthy dinner recipes
- Workout ideas
- Meditation ideas
- Inspirational posts
- Travel, or lifestyle posts
- Interior Decor posts
- Self-care ideas
- Nutritional posts
- More breakfast recipes
- More healthy snack recipes
Or something totally different! You tell me…What would you like to see? What will be the most helpful to you?
Let me know by leaving a comment below, or dropping me a private email: [email protected]. I’d really love to hear from you!
A few more questions for you:
- Would you be excited to see a series of affordable Recipe E-Books filled with my most favourite healthy recipes (that aren’t on the blog)?
- Did you enjoy this post? Would you like me to do more “coffee date” posts?
This is so awesome.
Thanks Dougie!