House Update Vol. 3
Posted on February 17 2021
This is going to be short and sweet. If you’ve been following along with our build, you’ll know we’re in the very last stages. The gorgeous walnut floors have been laid, the baths are in place, the shower glass is installed and the kitchen cabinets are ready and waiting for their stunning smokey-grey countertops.

You can clearly see it all coming together in this House Update Vol. 3!
If you missed House Update Vol. 1 and House Update Vol. 2, check them out now.
Never ceases to amaze me how we had such a distinct vision and we’ve watched it come to life over months of hard work (all Mike), one small step of progress at a time.
And it’s all worth it in the end.
Because what we’ve ended up with is a house that is cohesive, all the details working together in harmony, full of character and life – a beautiful home.
I snapped a few photos this week that I want to share with you before the house is completely finished.
Here are the photos for House Update Vol. 3:

As so often happens, our “completed date” was looking like this Friday, but due to some set backs it’s looking more like next Friday now.
No biggy, it’ll all be done soon enough.
One space we’re both excited about is the home office, which is essentially the 3rd bedroom, but we’re going to use it as an office.
Mike loves to stand while he works and if you’re the same, you’ll enjoy checking out this review on the top 6 standing desks in Australia, it has some great ideas for home work spaces.

After a year and a half apart from my mom (thanks Covid. She lives in Zimbabwe with the rest of my family), she was finally able to come and visit us! She’s with us now for 3 weeks and it’s so much fun to show her the house in its final stages.

Due to spending ALL my time with her drinking tea, enjoying the odd sweet treat, ironing out some wedding details and generally having as much fun as we possibly can, I’ll be a little absent from the blog for the next while.
I waited until she was here to take my wedding dress for some minor alterations which we are doing next week, exciting!

I’ll be back soon though with the next House Update and new healthy recipes.
You should check out my Sugar-Free eCookbook GOOD AND SWEET which has 40 easy and delicious breakfast, sweet treat and dessert recipes that you’ll LOVE! Most of which have gluten-free and dairy-free options.

We might even move into the new house while my mom is here, that would be fun.

That’s it for my House Update Vol. 3.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the latest photos of our home build, and check back soon for the next instalment!
I can’t wait to see this home all cleaned up – it’s going to be a wonderful moment when we get to sleep under that roof for the first time.
It’s looking fabulous!!!!